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The Last Male White Rhino was Euthanized in Kenya Due to Age Related Complications

Sudan, The last male white rhino who was brought from Czech Republic to Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya has died, aged 45.

The Last Male White Rhino was Euthanized in Kenya Due to Age Related Complications

Sudan, The last male white rhino who was brought from Czech Republic to Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Kenya has died, aged 45.

Aged and weak

Sudan, the last male rhino has passed away after a long struggle with age-related diseases. Due to the developed infections and skin wounds he was unable to move. He also had a deep wound on his right hind leg which caused him a lot of discomfort. At the age of 45, Sudan was considered old in Rhino years. He has been suffering since February. He spent the last two months lying down in his pen suffering from a lot of discomfort due to the hind leg wound. He had become immovable, his muscles and bones were affected and other complications had developed. His condition deteriorated considerably in the last 24 hours.  Taking into consideration his condition, the pain and suffering he was going through, the veterinary team from the Dver Kralov Zoo, OI Pejeta and Kenya Wildlife Service decided to euthanize him. Sudan was a majestic giant, yet there was something very gentle about him. People were afraid of him because of his size, however he managed to find a place in their hearts with his might, strength and dignity.


Sudan was brought to Kenya from the Dver Karlove Zoo in Czech Republic. He was transported to OI Pejeta Conservancy in Central Kenya's Laikipia County. OI Pejeta is a Conservancy which aims to protect wildlife and provide sanctuary to wild animals. It has the largest black rhino sanctuary in East Africa and a home to 100 black rhinos. Sudan lived in this conservancy along with his daughters 27-year-old Najin and 17-year-old Fatu.

Brink of extinction

Sudan belonged to a species which is on the brink of extinction. He was guarded 24 hours by armed guards to protect him from poachers. Horns of white rhinos are considered very valuable as they are used for medicinal purposes. The death of Sudan has again raised the question whether enough is being done to protect wild animals.

In the 1900s about half a million rhinos were found in Africa and Asia. This number has drastically reduced 70,000 by 1970. This fall in number is attributed to loss in habitat and poaching. Rhino horn trade is very popular and this has led to a killing of many rhinos.

The northern white rhino had been pushed to the verge of extinction. Sudan, was one such white rhino that had survived. In the 1970s, he had been taken to Dvůr Králové zoo in the Czech Republic.Later, he was returned to Africa.

Sudan’s death has jolted the people to think about the safety of endangered animals. The people of Kenya are grieving the death of Sudan. The younger generation, especially, have been hit by this news and they feel much more should be done to protect the animals of Africa and such a thing should not be allowed to happen.

Now with only Najin and Fatu, Sudan’s daughter and granddaughter -the only two females  through which one hopes to save the species from becoming extinct using IVF.