
Olympian Fencer Nada Hafez Competed in Olympics While Being 7 Months Pregnant

Egyptian fencer Nada Hafez, seven months pregnant, competed at the Olympics, defeating Elizabeth Tartakovsky before losing to Jeon Hayoung. She revealed her pregnancy on Instagram and inspired many with her resilience and strength.

Olympian Fencer Nada Hafez Competed in Olympics While Being 7 Months Pregnant

Many interesting and inspiring stories from the world of Olympics are captivating the imagination of sports enthusiasts globally. One such story is about Nada Hafez who hails from Egypt.

Twenty-six year old fencer, Nada Hafez, defeated American fencer Elizabeth Tartakovsky by 15-13 before losing to South Korean Jeon Hayoung by 15-7.

After concluding her Olympics rounds, Nada took to Instagram and revealed a surprising news to her followers.

“What appears to you as two players on the podium, they were actually three! It was me, my competitor, & my yet-to-come to our world, little baby!”, she wrote on her IG profile.

“My baby & I had our fair share of challenges, be it both physical & emotional. The rollercoaster of pregnancy is tough on its own, but having to fight to keep the balance of life & sports was nothing short of strenuous, however worth it. I’m writing this post to say that pride fills my being for securing my place in the round of 16!”

Netizens were surprised that Nada Hafez was seven months pregnant while performing resiliently at the Olympics. They applauded her mental strength, physical strength and focus to endure a challenging sport like fencing.

Here are some interesting comments posted by online users:

An olympian champion carrying a little one๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿฅน

Super inspiring โค๏ธ you’re setting the bar high and leading generations and generations to come ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

All Mothers of the world are proud of YOU ๐Ÿ’

Just amazing today !!!! But is it not cheating to fence 2 against 1 ? ;))))

In contrast, there were a handful of online viewers who believed that the Olympian took a risk by participating in a game that requires quick movements and there could be a possibility of falling. There were some who grappled with the question of whether it was safe to play sports during pregnancy ?

According to medical experts, pregnancy is not a disease and many women remain in good form during their pregnancies. Unless there are health complications, pregnant women are advised to remain active. They could also indulge in low impact activities/sports although taking “safety measures” is a must and in accordance with their respective doctor’s instructions.

Indulging in safe sports depends on the body of the individual mother, her fitness levels, and the supervision she is receiving from medical experts.

Both Nada Hafez and her husband hail from medical backgrounds. Nada is a clinical pathologist while her husband is a cardiologist.

“I’m lucky to have shared the trust of my husband @ibrahimihab11 and that of my family to be able to come this far.

This specific Olympics was different; Three times *Olympian* but this time carrying a little Olympian one!”, she concluded her Insta post on a positive note.
