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This Year’s Theme for World Mental Health Day Is ‘Mental Health is A Universal Human Right’

World Mental Health Day is an annual event that is observed on October 10. The objective of this day is to create awareness on mental health issues.

This Year’s Theme for World Mental Health Day Is ‘Mental Health is A Universal Human Right’

World Mental Health Day is an annual event that is observed on October 10. The objective of this day is to create awareness on mental health issues.

Numerous methods are discussed on how to support our mental health. The event is supported by the World Health Organisation (WHO). 

Today, the subject of mental health is relevant like never before. An increasing number of adolescents and young people are experiencing mental illness. Statistics say that one in seven adolescents is living with a mental health problem.

It is crucial to talk about mental issues as it affects our physical health which can indirectly affect our livelihoods.


The theme for 2023 is ‘Mental Health is A Universal Human Right.’ This year special emphasis is given to mental health rights. 

We all have a right to proper community mental health services regardless of our backgrounds. Today many individuals do not have access to proper mental care. They are discriminated against and not included in communities. 

Even if individuals do have a mental health condition they shouldn’t be deprived of their human rights. 

Getting early access to treatment makes all the difference especially for youngsters.


The World Health Organisation asks us a pertinent question, “ You might know your mind – but do you know your rights? Every person’s mind is wonderful, complex and different. But our rights are the same.”

Recognizing mental health as a human right will help us to stand up not only for ourselves but for others too. 

Good mental health is directly connected to our overall health. It plays an important role in how we connect with others and the society at large.