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Smash Things to Release Stress at the ‘Smash’ Anger Room in Beijing

‘Anger Rooms’ allow people to vent out negativity and release tension by smashing objects like televisions, broken appliances, clocks, mannequins, telephones and bottles in a closed room.

Smash Things to Release Stress at the ‘Smash’ Anger Room in Beijing

‘Anger Rooms’ are the new in thing and they are gaining popularity in China as well as other parts of the world. The concept on which ‘Anger Rooms’ work is simple. You just need to smash stuff to relieve stress. Youngsters in China are turning to ‘Anger Rooms’ and making them their refuge to vent out their anger and frustration.

‘Anger Rooms’ allow people to vent out negativity and release tension by smashing objects like televisions, broken appliances, clocks, mannequins, telephones and bottles in a closed room. One such anger room called ‘Smash’ in Beijing is equipped with bats, hammers and punters to smash these objects. You are also permitted to bring your own personal stuff to break. ‘Smash’ receives 600 customers a month and it targets people aged between 20 to 35 years. While customers are busy smashing things, the staff plays music of their choice in the background.

This popular anger room in Beijing was created by Jin Meng and her friends inside a former factory. Jin Meng quit her Public Relations job to create ‘Smash.’ Speaking of her new venture, Jin said that one woman brought her wedding photos and smashed each one of them. “We welcome people to bring their own stuff here to vent their anger. Because we also see it as a place to say goodbye to a stage in life. Of course, we won't intervene people's privacy, but we guess the woman just broke up with her lover before coming here. Every time when we come across this kind of circumstance, makes us believe that we've provided a safe place for people to let out negative energy. And we are happy about that."

Jin made it clear that they have no intentions to promote violence; however, she wanted to make it a safe haven for people to unwind who are under constant pressure in a fast city like Beijing. Another school student by the name of Qiu Siyu, 16, turns to ‘Smash’ to vent out his anger. Weird regulations at school leave him frustrated and that’s when he turns to ‘Smash.’

Since ‘Anger Rooms’ are still finding their place in our society, research still doesn’t prove whether they really work in anger management. While the Catharsis theory proves that if people are able to vent out their anger or frustration their anger will decrease, there are other studies that prove otherwise. Several studies carried out in 1959, 1969, and 1999 found that though venting out anger aggressively like punching a bag may relieve you momentarily, you are more likely to feel anger later on. In fact, it may make your more aggressive. Many others think that they are better ways of handling anger that is by evaluating the stressor, changing your perspective towards the stress and so on.

It is still early to say whether ‘Anger Rooms’ really work or not, however, if one desires to try out something new, have some fun in the bargain within limits then ‘Smash’ may not be a bad idea after all. It depends on your personal choice and whether it personally works for you. ‘Smash’ owner Jin now intends to open another branch in a shopping mall which will help shoppers to indulge in some bashing and smashing amidst their shopping spree.