
Should You Focus on Traffic or Conversion – Limited Budget Dilemma Solved

Traffic and conversion both matter when it comes to generating revenue. However, the question arises is – which one should you focus on? Read this article to know more.

Should You Focus on Traffic or Conversion – Limited Budget Dilemma Solved

As the owner of a website, you have two ways to survive – either, you get more visitor or you get more leads. In the digital world, the marketing process goes in a straight line. First you get visitors and then you get leads. Conversion rate increases when you get more visitors.

However, here is a little problem. This straight line is not practical for most of the marketers. In fact, this is not practical at all if you have limited budget. The burdening question which arises is – where you place your money. Do you spend for the traffic? Or, do you spend for the conversion?

Conversion rate is important. However, you cannot just target conversion, you need to find a way to get there.  Through market study it has been seen that the marketers feel, to reach the top position in the market, they need to have high budget.

The reason for this concept is – more than often, the successful brands are those who promote in multiple social channels. This takes a lot of money. Also, you will find a lot of tutorials online which will offer a lot of information to you. However, the information cannot be successfully applied in the business process.

There are companies which focus on getting more leads. While some companies commit themselves to getting more traffic. This is a complex situation. To focus on both, you need to have a lot of money. So, what do you do when you have limited budget?

It is important to have a look at both conversion and traffic closely. This will help you decide where to put your hard earned money.

Getting More Traffic

Before opting for any strategy, you need to implement a successful traffic analysis. It does not matter which industry you are in, you would need traffic to turn into leads. You can acquire traffic in two different ways. You can get traffic from organic promotion. You can also get traffic from paid promotion.

If you have decided to use organic process, you can use content creation, SEO, PR and email marketing. These tactics will require huge investment and skilled manpower. Another thing which organic process requires is patience. Yes, you need to be patient for the result.

Paid promotion on the other hand can yield quick result. If you use pay per click or Google AdWords, you will get quick result and flood of traffic.

Importance of Getting Traffic

With huge traffic is becomes easier for the marketers to get better conversion. When you are opting for traffic, you are more or less risk free. With traffic acquisition process, you will either be at the same spot or you get going with the promotion. This is not the case with conversion process.

However, the process of getting traffic has some downsides. The tactics would ensure high number of traffics, but, these cannot ensure the conversion rate. Even though people will, there is no guarantee that people will buy from your website. In case, no one buys from you, the money you invest will be wasted.

Conversion Optimization

CRO or conversion optimization is the process which takes a closer at the reason why people are not buying from your website. Once you have found the reasons, you will be able to fix them up to get better result. This is why it is important to get conversion rate optimized.

Now, let’s see what successful CRO process requires.

You would need a clear proposition to get started. Also, to increase conversion rate, you would need high quality content. Your website should offer high quality users’ experience. You should feature your journey in the website, so that the readers get more connected to your brand.

Marketers insist that for greater conversion rate, you would need to optimize the call to action buttons. The optimization should start from the moment people visit your website. How, they go from there, depends on your understanding of your visitors.

The Benefit of Conversion Rate Optimization

The process of conversion optimization is to make sure that your web presence is effective. This effectiveness eventually ensures that you get desired conversion.

The best thing about conversion rate optimization is – it optimizes what you already have. Additionally, it helps in different aspects of promotion as well. This assists you with better customer understanding. You must have the understanding about who you are targeting and what they are looking for. This will help you serve these people better.

Once you have proceeded with better conversion optimization, you will be able to generate more positive leads. Conversion optimization helps you leverage the website traffic. It also cuts off the customer generation rate. It helps you improve your search engine optimization. This also helps you improve the customer experience.

If you are looking to improve to brand perception, this is the way to do it. You would need to optimize your conversion rate for better website performance.

There are some major advantages of conversion optimization. It can draw the attention span of the web visitors. However, there are some solid downsides of this process as well.

You need to use skilled people to implement conversion rate optimization. This is because, if you make slight mistake in this process, you will be incurring a lot of damage.

So, what should you focus on? Should go after traffic? Or should go after conversion?

This is a complex thing which you need to think over. Should you focus on traffic only? But, without conversion rate, traffic will be of no use. This is why the best thing to do is – to divide your attention span and budget for both of these elements.

However, before going forward with this, you need to remember that conversion rate optimization can be critical and when done wrongly, it will cause a lot of problem. This is why make sure to gather information about conversion optimization.

The wise way to do it is – starting with getting traffic. Once you have enough traffic, focus on conversion. In a limited budget this is the best possible way to go ahead.
