Kendrick Lamar Wins Pulitzer
American Pop Singer Kendrick Lamar has been awarded Pulitzer Prize for music this year for his album Damn, which was released in the year 2017

American Pop Singer Kendrick Lamar has been awarded Pulitzer Prize for music this year for his album “Damn” which was released in the year 2017. The prestigious award is no doubt a matter of rejoice for Kendrick Lamar and his fans. But it has also raised a question on Pulitzer as an institution, as the decision on different music forms apart from classical forms often comes late.
In more than 60 years of history of modern pop music, it has by now established itself as one of the prominent art and music form, but for last seven decades no American Pop artist was recognized by the award committee to consider for the award, rather they gave the award in classical music genres and others. In 2008, just 10 years back, an additional citation was given to Bob Dylan and not the Pulitzer and in 2010 to Hank Williams, 57 years after the latter's death, an additional award was conferred on him, while classical artists monopolize the music category.
Therefore it is indeed an achievement by Kendrick Lamar who breaks all tradition to get the award. This year jury has not given any award to classical artists, which is also a break from their tradition when they chose to confer the award to Kendrick Lamar. By selecting Kendrick, the Pulitzer also has chosen someone who tops his kind of music. Whose politically engaged soulful music has not just become popular among the mass but also whose music and lyrics represent the inner feeling of the youth of the country and therefore, no doubt Lamar becomes the natural choice.
Kendrick Lamar has been vocal with the issues that are rampant in the United States today. One can find the reflection of the problems of the society in his lyrics and songs, like “the pain in my heart carrying the burden for the struggle”, in his album Damn, 2017, raises the issue of black empowerment and protest. Apart from such issues, he raises his voice against the Trump Presidency, violence and other socio-political problems, which has no doubt have established Lamar image as a revolutionary rapper.
The Pulitzer award for Music has long denied the talents but it had recognized African-American George Walker in 1996, who won the prize, though many had to wait for years to receive the prestigious award.
Things started changing after 2004, when the Pulitzer administration decided to incorporate other music forms under its umbrella under the category of Pulitzer Award for Music. Pulitzer Administrator Sig Gissler then announced, Pulitzer is broadening the prize a bit, so that it could also be awarded to other music forms, which doesn’t form the European Classical Tradition making the gateway for the musicians or entrants to submit a score, though there was no mention of Pop music. The forms of music may be contemporary, classical symphony, jazz, opera, choral, movie scores, music theatre and others.
Therefore when the name of Kendrick Lamar is announced for the Pulitzer Award for Music it has become, historic as the prestigious award for the first time recognized a rap artist. “Damn” is Kendrick Lamar's fourth album which was released in April 2017.