Instagram Marketing Tactics that Actually Work in Driving More Business
Instagram is a growing platform which can be used for brand promotion and awareness. Here are some tips to explore the power of Instagram.
Instagram has proved to be an effective social media platform. This platform is seeing increasing users every day. While Facebook and Twitter both are seeing a decline in user base, Instagram’s users are growing. This is why, if you ever needed an effective Instagram marketing strategy, the time is now.
If this is not motivating enough, let’s have a data-centric discussion. A recent study has revealed that more than 800 people use Instagram actively each month. Around 18 percent people used this platform in 2017. This number has grown and now it has been seen that more than 22 percent of people use Instagram for various purposes. Around 60 million images get uploaded here each month. Also, the users get more than billion daily likes.
So, you have seen that an effective Instagram marketing strategy is essential for business growth. If you push the buttons right, you can turn into an effective brand based on this platform only.
However, you would have to make efforts to keep the followers interested about your brand. You need to keep posting relevant images and posts so that people visit your website and eventually turn into a positive lead.
So, now that question is – how can you accomplish this feat? What can you do to make people interested about your brand? We have come up with some marketing tips which will help you get started with Instagram marketing.
Activate a Business Account
It is important that you activate the business account before applying the Instagram marketing tips. If you have not done it yet, it is time you go for the business account. There are some advantages of switching to business account of Instagram. A business account comes with a detailed contact page. The users can click on the contact tab and find your contact details easily. They can also contact you through the Instagram page. This advantage you will not get in normal profile.
With a business account you can access the Instagram analytics. This offers data about reach and impression.
Product Teasers
The best thing about Instagram is, you can start selling your product or your service through teasers posted on this platform. Instagram is considered an effective platform for posting advertisements. If you can use the cards right, you will be able to attract the users rather than chase them off with your advertisement.
Remember that here you don’t have the luxury of being too pushy. Push sale does not work on Instagram. In fact push sale does not work anywhere. So, be conversational and give the users a sense of bonding if you really want to make a sale. Evoking interest through the teasers is the secret many marketers are using.
Use teasers to talk about the products and highlight the benefits. The more you get your followers excited about the launch of the product, the more chance you would have to increase conversion rate. It has been seen that the laidback ads work better than the pushy ads.
The secret here is to tease viewers with the product details and not with the sale pitch. Once the interest is properly evoked the buyers will eventually buy the products.
Sponsored Ads
The Instagram ads can be effective marketing tools as well. The best thing about the Instagram ads is – you would decide how much exactly you want to invest on these ads. You have the advantage of showing just a single ad or multiple advertisements.
Brands are being able to target new set of audience through these ads. Also, you can transform the existing posts in sponsored ads if you want. Instagram offers you the luxury of being able to keep posting different posts for different kind of users. You can use photos, videos and stories at the same time to different set of people for better reach and impression.
Instagram Stories
Those who want to generate leads through Instagram marketing, can use Instagram stories for their benefit. Stories are different from normal Instagram posts. The Instagram stories come in slideshow platforms. These stories stay live on Instagram 24 hours. However, in these 24 hours the stories can make a huge impact.
The viewers will have to click on your images to see the whole story. The best thing about the Instagram stories is – the stories are published on the top of the timeline.
With Instagram stories you will be able to test different horizons. You will be able to test different types of contents and see how they work. You will be able to post short videos, you will be able to like photos and you will be able to post live videos as well.
Exploit Power of Other Users
This is another important marketing strategy which can be really effective when you are trying to get reach and exposure through Instagram. Try to get attached with other Insta famous people.
Modern buyers buy products that are being promoted by the influencers. This is why it has become important that you should get attached with the influencers for better authority.
However, you need to go about this slow. The process should begin from identifying the influencers. Once you know who to approach for you product promotion, you can go ahead and contact them.
The modern marketers are approaching the influencers for long term sales growth. No one is eyeing the short term sale any longer. If you can invest time on building relationship with the influencers, you can easily build a lasting brand promotional approach.
User Generated Content
The Instagram 2018 trend is – using user generated contents for the purpose of better promotion. If you have a follower base, you can use the content generated by them. Because user generated contents don’t follow any predicted path, people like these more than the contents that brands publish.
You can make an event out of the photo collection session. You can announce the event and promote it. You can tell your followers to submit photos and the ones win the contest will get tagged by your brand. It will be fun to go ahead with this.
Lastly, make sure to find effective hashtag when you are using Instagram for brand promotion. Invest time on hashtag research.