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Every Successful Leader Secretly Possess These 3 Superpowers

Here are the superpowers you need to have to become a successful leader –

Every Successful Leader Secretly Possess These 3 Superpowers

When it comes to becoming a successful leader, there are various things that you need to master along the way. You need to be smarter than the rest, have the right set of tools and develop a stronger sense of self than the average person. All of this and much more are required by leaders to be able to lead successfully.

Some might call it superpowers, while others might say that its skill and hard work. This is where the debate splits into two and people have their own thoughts about it. Neuroscientists, doctors and philosophers have long wondered what it takes to become a leader and they haven’t made much progress in creating leaders from scratch. Many have created them through PR activities and thought of leadership programs, but none have done it organically through the power of science.

There are many companies working on this area right now, including Arowana who have tried to make their senior leaders more agile through the power of neuroscience. The team becomes more aware and alert as a result of these technologies and they can make better decisions through this platform. It helps in decision making and making sure that the management teams are making calculated decisions about the success of a company.

There has been rising interest in this domain of neuroscience giving you super-powers, so much, so that there are companies that are offering to do it for a really hands-on experience. Since this is all new boundaries that many companies are exploring they are doing a great job at perfecting the art of enhanced-thinking. You can even switch areas of the brain around to access certain parts of the mind that are hidden in plain-sight. The technology can make you more social, emotionally intelligent and harder at working.

Most scientists still agree that there is no substitute for a good diet, exercise and REM sleep. Otherwise, you are going to trigger your brain towards exhaustion and won't utilize its full capabilities. A well-rested, well-fed mind is a super charged one, and you can access deep parts of the brain and use it to its max-capacity.

Here are the superpowers you need to have to become a successful leader –

#1 Neuroplasticity

What exactly is this new form of science? It’s a way of thinking about the world and everything in it. Neuroplasticity is all about how malleable your brain is to new experiences. It’s the same reason why some people are more open to change, and others aren’t. You can learn so much faster when you’re young because your brain can be moulded into interesting shapes and forms.

Certain behaviours, patterns and egocentric thought processes can be changed through the power of thought and a plastic mind that’s open. When you are thinking about other people, outside of yourself, you tend to become more open. This leads to increased neuroplasticity in the brain, which can have positive influences that go way beyond anything you could have hoped for.

In fact, the very step towards neuroplasticity makes you feel more open and aware of the world around you. This gives you more insights and leads you to think about new ideas and explore new concepts around management. The mind is more open and aware to pick up mentorship-related ideals as well.

#2 Agility in processing

When you are agile in your thought process, you can create new insights that get uncovered from your surroundings.

You become nimbler and technology can help you here. There are various apps and VR simulations that can help you adapt to new situations and become more agile and nimble as a result. Agility is important for leadership as it sends a strong signal to the team that the leader is here to support them in case something happens. The brain is likely to switch over to a productive-mode and you can inspire your team to work harder on the tasks ahead. Multi-taskers can benefit from agility training and absorb the good parts about being agile.

#3 Mastering a mindset

Whatever you may think about leadership, research has made it clear that if you master your mindset you have a better shot at creating longer lasting neural pathways. When you can master a productive-mindset then you can create long-term change in the way that you think. Thinking perfectly and clearly is the right way to approach the mindset problem, as you can face multiple challenges that may take away from this kind of thinking.

When you know what your goal is and you want to unlock a super-powerful energy source, you need to become a mindset master. This super-power is an incredible source of energy that keeps you going through the rest of the day. When you don’t really care about 5 o'clock and you’re all in for long hours, you can take advantage of mindset mastery.

There is significant literature on the topic of mindset, but not a whole lot of on how to tap into that energy source. It's simple to say but the pathway is clear. You need to work. When you enter work-mode, you can create more balance in life, enjoy non-work activities better and indulge in things that you actually enjoy doing. Otherwise you may be confused, sitting at home, and not really clean about your focus as a leader.

When you’re easily able to make transition from Sunday to Monday, you can have a clearer mind that focuses on the things that really matter in life. You are no longer distracted by shiny objects and online apps. You can actually get a lot of work done even before people enter the office.


When you want to have super-powers which ones would you rather have? The ones that serve no practical purpose or the ones that can make you a better leader. Having an agile, plastic and focused brain helps you become a better leader and increase the number and intensity of neural pathways in the brain.