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Chrisann Pereira Who Was Framed in Drugs Case is Released from Sharjah Jail

Actress Chrissann Pereira who was arrested in UAE after being framed in a drugs case has been finally released from Sharjah jail.

Chrisann Pereira Who Was Framed in Drugs Case is Released from Sharjah Jail

Actress Chrissann Pereira who was arrested in UAE after being framed in a drugs case has been finally released from Sharjah jail. 

This news was confirmed by her brother Kevin Pereira. 

“Chrisann is SET FREE!!! She will be in India in the next 48 hours,” Kevin wrote in his IG profile. 

Chrisann was arrested at the Sharjah airport on April 1 when drugs were found hidden in a trophy she was carrying. 

Chrisann worked in Sadak 2 in 2020 that featured Alia Bhatt and Batla House. 

ANI news agency tweeted on Thursday, “Actor Chrisann Pereira, who was imprisoned in a Sharjah jail in a case of alleged drugs smuggling, has been released from jail, confirms her brother Kevin Pereira.”

Her family has claimed that Chrisann Pereira was framed. 

The Mumbai crime branch has found out that the actress was framed by a bakery owner Anthony Paul in an act of revenge. Anthony’s sister and Chrisann’s mother had a fight over her pet dog. Both live in the same building. Police suspect that he decided to make Chrisann a drug mule due to this. 

The information on this case has been sent to Sharjah authorities after which the actress was released on Wednesday. 

The police have arrested Anthony Paul and Rajesh Bobhate who is an assistant general manager in a bank and had assisted Anthony to frame the actress. 

Anthony approached the actress through Rajesh who posed as a talent consultant. He told her that there was an audition for a web series in Sharjah. He also told her to carry a trophy that would be used as a prop for the audition. The actress was unaware that the trophy had hidden drugs. 

“He gave the trophy by hiding ganja and poppy seeds in it so that she could be caught there. After she landed, he called the Sharjah airport and told the officials that she was carrying drugs,” police said.

This is not the first case where Anthony has framed people. The duo have framed at least five people in a similar manner for monetary benefits. Some of his victims are still lurking in jail. 


Police also said that Anthony demanded Rs 80 lakhs from Chrisann Pereira’s mother with the promise of getting help for Chrisann in Sharjah through his contacts. He followed the same procedure with other families as well who fell into his web of lies.