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Cats are Taking Care of Human Health and Helping in Preventing Diseases

Cats are your friends and these furry friends are helping people in treating various forms of diseases.

Cats are Taking Care of Human Health and Helping in Preventing Diseases

The cuddly babies are not just a box of cuteness. They are doing more than you think and when it comes to health and well-being, only a few people know about these unsung heroes. So, if you are lucky to have this cute little furry friend at your home, make sure you flaunt their endless contribution in your lives.

Cats are known for their feline and calm self. The presence of cats affects your brain and helps it to relax. The tranquility will help you in concentrating better and help you regain your lost self-command. Researchers are still working on theories that show that how the sharing of energy is possible.

Have you heard of cat cafes? These are the places where you can simply drop in to cuddle with cats while you sip in a few refreshing cups of coffee. The idea does not only sound cool but is also proven to improve your level of concentration and helps in relaxing.


Soul soothing

How much time have you wasted procrastinating over those cat videos on the internet? You are not the only one. Studies have shown that many people go addictive over these videos and even spent hours looking at these. The reason behind this is, people while seeing these keep away negative emotions and remain happy. There are proven results of better pay-offs right after they have watched the videos and people can complete the previously supposed tough work efficiently post watching these videos. In the United Kingdom, a survey was conducted by the Cats Protection Feline Charity that showed that people who spend time with cats are proven to be calmer than those who have no contact with cats. Among the 76% cat owners who were a part of this survey confirmed that they are able to handle stress far better due to their cats. Around 87% said that the cats improved their living. Experts say that as you stroll your hands over the fur there is a certain kind of vibration that helps in healing as your mind calms down.

As experts say there is an idea that dogs are human’s best friend and the intelligence level allows them to understand human emotions well. But cats are also able to empathize and react when they see humans in stress or pain. A journal on Animal Cognition says that a cat is able to read the facial expression of humans and respond accordingly. In a medical study, it has been proven that people who spend a lot of time with cats have lower risks of heart attack. The kids that grow up with cats in the house are likely to face the problems of obesity, allergy, and asthma. This is explained by researchers as they say that when the kid is playing with the cat, there is a plenty release of gut bacteria named Oscillospira and Ruminococcus. These two act as the immune layer for the kid. The child also absorbs sialic acid which as per doctors do not form naturally in the human body. But when with cats, this starts producing which helps in regulating the inflammatory reactions in the human body.

Helping in mental health

In a study published by a National Center for Biotechnology Information said that cats help in increasing the level of oxytocin in the body that helps in the well-being of a human body. As a person plays with the cat, the dopamine and the serotonin levels are increased in the body. These help in reducing stress and anxiety. People who are suffering from depression have got positive changes in their lifestyle with the association of cats.

The purring of cats makes cat lovers go wee with love for their pet. But researchers say, that is doing a lot more than you can think of. This purring has a hertz rate that is the same as gamma waves. Gamma waves are also called meditation waves. So, when the cat purrs the meditation waves are influencing your body and mind. It helps in slowing your breathing patterns and you become calm as it reduces the problems of anxiety and high blood pressure in the body.

The cat aid

Here, the discussion is not about the pet training but it is about the training that the humans might want to get from cats. Cats have the ability to influence human behavior and grow a better personality. Kids who are suffering from autistic difficulties can also get helped by cats. They will be able to develop a regular behavior and engage in social interactions.

Cats are used in research for finding better treatments for HIV and different forms of Cancer. The reason behind choosing cats for the research is that cats get infected with a virus that is called feline immunodeficiency virus. This is somewhat similar to HIV caused in humans. Researchers say that when the treatment of HIV is done it also helps in the HIV research.

High Triglyceride is common among people these days due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Doctors prescribe diet and exercise. Reducing the carbohydrate levels in the diet is essential but with cats, this process of reducing the levels of triglyceride speeds up. Same goes for the level of cholesterols in the body. In a research, it was found that medicines and cats have a better possibility of reducing cholesterol rather than only relying on medicines.

Experts say that choosing cats is not common for therapy and health purpose as the people are not aware of the benefits. Many parents fear that cats might be the reason for their child’s bad health and keeps the furry friend away. This is true only if the cats are infected. In case, the cats are always at home and are dependent on the food provided by you, there are only benefits of keeping cats. Make sure you take care of the furs and prevent rashes on the skin. If the cats are healthy, the reason to get worried is simply a waste.



