Ankita – a Young Indian-American Revolted When She Saw Hindu God Pictures a New York Bar Loo
Hindu God pictures were placed in a bar in New York and Indian girl Ankita made a point to take a stand against it.

There had been many cases where we have witnessed Hindu gods showing up in the most incomprehensible of spots. In the West, there have been occurrences of Ganesha showing up on latrine seats and the substance of Ram on shoes. Be that as it may, what Indian-American Ohio young lady Ankita Mishra saw half a month prior at a bar in New York most likely beats them all by a mile.
Ankita strolled into a bar, House of Yes, in Bushwick, New York. Place of Yes portrays itself as "Strange. Wild. Brilliant. An execution filled nightclub and innovative scene modified with mixed occasions and spectacular move parties."
Inside their VIP washroom, Ankita was in for an impolite stun. The dividers were papered with bejeweled pictures of Hindu divine beings like Ganesha, Saraswati, Kali, and Shiva.
The 'eccentric developing craftsman' did not sit quietly this time around. Mishra composed an email to the bar, disclosing to it merely as was it.
She mailed the authorities saying:
“Like a strange lady of shading with a hyphenated personality in 2018 America, I am accustomed to quieting my voice in the administration of keeping harmony out in the open. In any case, in the wake of posting about my involvement with House of Yes this end of the week on Facebook and Instagram, I feel pushed to approach you straightforwardly. I believe that the House of Yes is where I may indeed be heard, and where improvement can happen.
I was not pleased on Saturday night. I was there with a gathering that had arranged a container benefit table to the side of the bar, and in light of the high value they were paying, I had the benefit of getting to the private washroom behind the DJ stall by the stage. You know the one. At first, when I went after bathroom tissue from the allocator, it didn't enlist that I was taking a gander at Mahadev. Gradually I raised my eyes to consume in the space and saw every one of them-Ganesha, Saraswati, Brahma, Shiva, Radha and Krishna, Lakshmi, and mysteriously ideal over the can, Kali. I was inside a sanctuary yet it was all wrong-I was wearing shoes.”
In her blog for Brown Girl magazine, she stated, "I all of a sudden ended up in an inquisitively beautified VIP washroom inside House of Yes in Bushwick, NY. The dividers were papered with bejeweled pictures of Hindu divine beings like Ganesha, Saraswati, Kali, and Shiva”.
"This is the cost of quiet. The scales will dependably tip back to support business, as usual, the natural whiteness of the spaces we appreciate. Our Hindu occasions and celebrations, our despondency and history, will just ever be displayed as an assistant to American and European successes — everlastingly possessed and always utilized as though there are no results."
Her letter, which is routed "To Whom it May Concern, (that ought to be everyone!)," discusses Hindu culture, the battles of being in a nation which has been faulted as the smaller scale assailant of the way of life. The lack of regard that is connected with the divinities holding tight the dividers of a can of a dance club.
She stated, "Tidiness and virtue are arbitrary standards in an Indian family unit. Around Indian gods, it is an exceptionally essential type of regard, one that you learn as a youngster. You can't present a rose to a divine being in the wake of having smelled it– you can't wear shoes in a sanctuary. Peeing, crapping, hurling and every single other activity that occurs in dance club washrooms would likewise go under the classification of uncleanliness," including there is no "Piss Christ" workmanship piece proportionate, no Satanic social development that fights every one of its incalculable Goddesses and divine beings. Along these lines, similar guidelines that apply to Christianity essentially are not relevant in Hinduism. You can't force your own punk and rebellious social norms onto another religion. It is merely one more type of confusion and wants to control something that isn't yours.”
Her intricate letter likewise discusses the constant social misuse that Hindu culture has experienced or constantly presented to, expressing, "Hindu, Buddhist and South Asian culture proceeds always to be abused through Western private enterprise for the sake of profound arousing and sexual investigation. Our way of life isn't a ticket to your self-disclosure. India was under the frontier rule for a long time and I, to be perfectly honest, am sick of how uneducated America is by all accounts about that. Do you figure you would even be in that yoga class on the off chance that it hadn't been consummately bundled for you to expand?"
She finishes up her letter encouraging the specialists do not "influence me to lose confidence in the capacity we as a whole need to write a few wrongs and really listen to one another."
However, incredibly, she got a reaction where Kae Burke, prime supporter and imaginative executive at House of Yes, assumed aggregate liability of the structure and apologized expressing she ought to have endeavored to comprehend and contemplate the way of life more before putting it on the dividers of the can.
Burke expressed, "I am sad for not setting aside the opportunity to completely comprehend and investigate the deep history of the way of life I was motivated by before utilizing it to brighten. I feel terrible that you needed to encounter this kind of social lack of regard at House of Yes out of every other place on earth.
I hear you boisterous and clear and the tone-hard of hearing appropriative/hostile restroom will be disassembled and upgraded ASAP. To be straightforward, the soonest I can take it on is directly after Halloween. On the off chance that you demand, we can put paint over it until."
This is what Ankita did. But there are instances which are slightly left ignored in the backdrop of humor. The funniest part being, wrong placement of Indian Gods are not just restricted outside India, but the country also has various examples of it.