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“Letter from Warner Bros needed”. Girls, 6, Denied Passport for Having a Character Name of Game of Thrones

A 6-year-old girl was denied for passport, the reason being a fictional character from the Series Game of Thrones. Officials asked for a Letter from Warner Bros to process the passport.

“Letter from Warner Bros needed”. Girls, 6, Denied Passport for Having a Character Name of Game of Thrones

Imagine taking your Daughter to the passport office only to be denied the passport because of a fictional name. A 6-year-old Girl was recently denied a visa because her name belonged to a character in Game of Thrones

Lucy, mother of 6 years stated Passport authorities have asked for a a clearance certificate from Warner Brothers, creator of Game of Thrones to issue a passport to her 6-year-old. A girl named Khaleesi influenced by the series, Game of Thrones was supposedly denied a Passport for a vague reason, astonishing the family.

The family was eagerly looking forward to their first vacation to Disneyland Paris. Upon reaching for the primary document which is Passport, the Mother-Daughter duo was informed about the name being a trademark issue and that an NOC or clearance certificate from the Production house is needed.

The lawyer of the 39-year-old mother claimed that Game of Thrones was a trademark but for the product and services, the trademark is null and void. Despite strong arguments, the officials were pressurized for a letter from the Warner Brothers.

Lucy Argued with the Birth certificate claiming her daughter received a Birth Certificate and none of the officials flagged the issue. Lucy never thought of any such issues.

However, multiple resharing of the social media posts led to an apology from the Passport authority who later processed the passport formalities. Lucy claimed “If I hadn't posted this on social media, nothing would have been done. I would have been stuck, not knowing what to do. People contacted me about similar experiences."

The duo is expecting to spend quality vacation time in Disneyland Paris as soon as the Authorities have confirmed that the passport will be issued in a few days and a progress update will be shared with them.

The passports are being processed and an apology has been issued for the family for all the hassle they had to go through said a spokesperson of the Home office.