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Things to Know about Oxygen Consumption after Workout

Learn about the oxygen consumption period after workout. You can use this period to lose more calories.

Things to Know about Oxygen Consumption after Workout

After a lengthy weight loss workout session, your body needs time to cool down. Once the workout session is over, the metabolism system of the body keeps burning fat. This process continues to take place even when the body is resting after the workout. This period is known as excess post-workout oxygen consumption. Some call this period as oxygen debt time.

This function explains how the human body keeps burning fat even after the workout session is over. To get the maximum benefit of this fat burning period, you need to be aware of some essential facts. Given below are some workout facts which will help you burn calorie easily.

Oxygen after the Workout Period is Used for -

  • ATP replacement
  • Muscle glycogen resynthesizing
  • Oxygen level restoration in blood
  • Repairing muscle tissues
  • Restoring body temperature

So, you can see the oxygen that you eagerly inhale into your lungs works to repair your inner system after the workout session.

More Oxygen Means Better Workout

Fitness experts claim that the workout sessions like cardio or power yoga help burning more calories because of the high oxygen consumption level. It has been seen that body uses 5 calorie count for the consumption of 1-liter oxygen. This is why – when you indulge in workout sessions which require high oxygen consumption, you get to burn more calories.

High-Intensity Workout Session is Better

The human body produces more ATP when it is being used for high-intensity workout. Such workout sessions require more energy thus help in faster fat burning. Because high-intensity workout requires a high energy level, the human body fails to sustain the workout sessions for a long time. However, during the short spell of workout, the body burns enough calories. Even after the workout session is over, the body keeps burning fat due to the high oxygen consumption rate. This is why experts encourage people to go for high-intensity workout.

Duration of the Workout Does not Matter

If you want to get the maximum benefit of oxygen consumption, you need to focus on the quality of the workout session. Yes, people usually think that a longer period of workout leads to a better result. This is a wrong concept. You need to pay attention to the workout intensity. It has been seen that intense workout sessions help in faster muscle building. During the oxygen consumption period, the body consumes oxygen to repair the muscles and tissues. High-intensity workout improves the effect of oxygen consumption period.

Resistance Training Produces Better Oxygen Consumption

Through studies, experts have seen that resistance exercise helps in producing better oxygen consumption period. In fact, in a reporting circuit, weight training and resistance training have been compared. The resistance training has produced better oxygen consumption result.

Lastly, there are many debates related to excess oxygen consumption rate. However, there is no doubt that if you want better result from your workout session, you need to improve the workout intensity. However, here is a word of advice from the experts – don’t overdo the workout. You should limit your strength workout to three weekly sessions.