
These Tips will Get You Going with Your Lead Generation Process

Content upgrades can be great ways to create traffic and leads. Here are some pointers for you to try this process.

These Tips will Get You Going with Your Lead Generation Process

Businesses usually struggle with one challenge. It is to generate quality leads. Even if you have succeeded in getting a long list of email addresses, there is no way of knowing whether the leads will be eventually converted into positive sale. Also, it is difficult to point out, where the lead generation process fails.


The form created for lead generation can help in getting you email addresses. However, if you are eyeing higher number of conversion, you need to opt for focused lead generation process. This you can do by upgrading your contents.


Content upgradation will not only help you get more leads, the content upgradation will help you get a better business prospect as well.


An email list which you cannot leverage will not be of any use to you. Therefore, your objective should be to create an email list which you will be able to convert into positive sale.


As a marketer you already know that you must target the focused audience to be able to turn them into positive leads. You are aware of the effectiveness of the lead magnets like free e-book downloads.


However, if you are trying to generate leads quickly, you need to combine the two tricks properly. A balance between content upgrade and lead generation process will help you get better result.


So, what is content upgrade? If you don’t know, this article will help you find out.


Content Upgrade Defined


Content upgrade is the way to offer contents as a reward or bonus to the readers or regular visitors. Yes, it is like the lead magnet works. However, there are a few differences.


Content upgrade is a very specific approach. The lead generation strategy which you are following can be effective. It might involve cold calls or PPC. However, if you include content upgrade to this strategy, you will see more effective result.


So, you can create long contents with right information. Now, you can publish a portion of the content in exchange for the email addresses of the readers. Those who will register will be the solid leads.


This is a great way to get readers register for your contents. Since they don’t have to pay any money to register, they are likely to register for your website.


To make them register, you can use effective call to action as well. This call to action can come after the long post. This can come at the beginning of the post as well. However, make sure that your content is detailed and effective enough that people will want to know more about you.


Membership is another important thing which you can offer to the readers. The term membership comes with a sense of value. Since people are not paying anything for this membership, they will surely be interested to get the membership. However, you need to offer the perks in the clear form. You need to tell them about what they are getting when they become a member of your website or blog.


Experts claim that content upgrading is a far better tactic than the lead generation form. Let’s have a look at the reasons, you should choose the content upgrading process over the lead generation process.  


Content Upgrading Vs Lead Generation


If you have a look at the content upgrading process, you will see that the process is a little similar to lead magnet process. However, the approach of lead magnet is widespread. In this process, you use the lead magnet for everyone who is visiting your website or your blog.


The lead magnet can be special content offers or recipes. You can offer e-books or white papers to the visitors as well. However, anyone can register for the lead magnet. There is no restriction.


There are websites which offer daily tips and tutorials to the people who decide to sign up for the newsletters.


Content upgrading is not as wide spread. It is more focused and tailored for the people who might be in the future will be your customers.


So, now, you might be wondering what kind of content upgrades you should create to attract people to your website or blogs.


What kind of content upgrade should you use…


If you explore the online resource you will find that there are countless content upgrades which you can use for the purpose of conversion. Given below is a list of tips, you can use.


However, before you create a strategy for content upgrading, you need to ponder over some essential facts.

  • You need to find out about the readers and their position in the sales funnel
  • You need to find out about the pain point of the readers as well
  • You need to think about the points that your content will cover


Once you have found out the details, you can go ahead and create your content upgrading strategy.


Say for example if you are targeting people in the middle of sales funnel, you need to create content that will make these people climb up the ladder and eventually buy from you.


Use Checklist


People usually love checklists. If you have created a detailed content on your product, you can add a checklist to upgrade the content. This checklist is added to keep people from skimming over the content. If you can do it well, you will generate a lot of blog traffic who will eventually turn into your positive customers.


Internet is flooding with online tools which will help you create the right checklist for your content.


Cheat Sheet


This is another tool which will help you get the required traffic. If you are using cheat sheet, you need to make sure that the cheat sheet is created to offer in-depth value.




It is of no doubt that some of the contents work better when printed. Keeping this in mind, you should create printable contents for your readers. These printable contents can be anything including quotes, calendars or reminders.


Lastly, case studies and the formulas are some of the effective content upgrades which you can use. However, it is essential that you do your research before creating the strategy.
