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Most Effective Ways of Using Instagram Images – Pro Bloggers’ Tips

Learn how you can use Instagram photos to create brand awareness. The pointers are easy to implement.

Most Effective Ways of Using Instagram Images – Pro Bloggers’ Tips

The social media landscape has a new ruler - it is the visual content. Yes, the statement is not an exaggeration. A recent study conducted by the social media experts shows that more than 50 percent of the marketers use visual content to promote their brands.

This is one trend which is on the rise.

Looking at the changing face of the social media world, it is now safe to state that visual contents get quick engagement. Also, it is more effective than other forms of digital content.

So, now the question is – how can you use visual content to get engagement?  What are the easiest yet effective ways of using visual content?

Adhere to Instagram

Because Instagram is a visual platform, it is growing with the importance of visual content. If you want to create brand exposure with the help of visual contents, you must have an active Instagram profile.

The rise of Instagram was first noticed in 2017, when the social media platform acquired 100 million additional users in five months. The experts then turned their attention towards this platform, in order to figure out the giant success.

They have found that the web visitors want to experience events. They don’t want to read contents any longer. This desire to experience things has made them use Instagram.

Images help people experience events better than text-based content. This is why – you cannot ignore the power of visual content when you are promoting your brand on social media.

Emphasis Experience

If you want to know about effective visual content strategy, you must understand the value of feeling. Being able to experience the event is the key focus here. This is the foundation which can help you generate a huge number of traffic.

Instagram offers two essential facilities. First, it helps the users share images easily. Second, now this platform is paying attention to advertisers as well. With time, Instagram is becoming friendlier to the advertisers. So, now you can use this platform for the purpose of paid ads as well.

Now the question is how can you tie reach, engagement and conversion together?

Give Your Visitors an Educational Experience

Tutorials work great when it comes to engagement. People want to learn about new products and concepts. They want to know how beneficial a product can be. Also, they want to know whether a particular product can solve their problems.

If the people fail to understand how a product works, they will not be able to understand the benefit of the products either. So, it will lead to loss of potential customers.

To take care of this problem, you can use the product images. Make sure that each image shows the visitors some important fact about your product. If you are selling technical products, image tutorials will be even more essential. Remember that the images will increase the appeal of your products.

Share Something Different

To get more engagement, you need to share unique images. You need to share something which will not fade away with time. To be simple you need to be fascinating. You need to offer images or stories that will either make people laugh or make them curious. You can opt for emotional posts as well. See, if you can generate engagement by evoking emotion.

Another way to generate engagement is by evoking the curiosity of the web visitors. You can create a series of images. To evoke curiosity, you can post them one by one. People will surely wait for the next image to get published.

Some big brands use their day to day activities to show the world how they operate their business. This is becoming a popular mode of promotion on Instagram.

Use Memories

Facebook is famous for this one. The social media platform will let you share past events. You can do this on Instagram as well. However, remember that relevancy is the key to success. You must make it a point to post only relevant images to post memories.

Your loyal customers will want to have a look at the important moments that you have spent in the past. This is the reason brands share photos of past events. They are using event highlights to drive the fans to explore their contents. These types of images successfully create engagements and with time lead to conversion.

The brands are creating event highlights for the fans who have been unable to attend the events and also for those who want to relive the experience again. With the event highlighting images, you will be able to define the brand identity.

Promote Upcoming Events

This is a new strategy which many brands are using. They are using images to promote upcoming events. This event can be anything, this might be a new product launch or this might be a new concept launch. People even promote the launch of YouTube videos through Instagram images.

The key task here is – getting your customers excited about the upcoming events. For this, you need to create hype about the event. You need to talk about the aspects of the event that will get people curious. If you can do this properly, you will be able to generate a lot of traffic using event promotion photos.

Use Product Features

Recently the e-commerce business owners have started using Instagram to promote their business. Here you can just post a photo of your product. The best thing about this social media platform is – the posted product photos don’t look like ads. Yet the photos can attract people’s attention enough to make them visit the brand’s website.

However, you must create photos that can merge with the customer experience. So, you can create a stunning catalog of the products to post on Instagram. If you are into fashion brand promotion, your task will be easy. You don’t even have to create lengthy description to promote your products. You just have to post the photos and share them.

Lastly, while using Instagram, don’t ignore your storytelling skill. This is the aspect which attracts people’s attention. So, try to tell stories using the photos.